

I breathe in, the universe breathes into me. I breathe out, breathing back into the lungs of god, reciprocating, responding in the only way I'm meant to and the way I always will. None of us will die with our lungs full of air. We always give it back before we go.

In life what comes to me, what I receive through my senses in my daily existence, like my in-breath, is what the universe gives to me. My awareness of it all and my attentiveness to it can be honed to better receive this gift. Like my out-breath, the actions that I give back out into the world also affect my own body. Every response brings me tension or relaxation. Relaxation or peace of all kinds, and stiffness or unease of all kinds: these are the binary ones and zeros of my communication with god. In and out. We are mouth-to-mouth, we are communicating in morse code. Relaxation is a reward. It's god inside me saying yesssss.... I can choose to feel this relaxation and invoke it with every action I take, accepting that god is speaking to me through my autonomic nervous system, prompting me, as one of his creatures, to do his work of creating a sattvic universe. Being aware of what I receive, creating peace with what I give back out. Yessss....

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